Water treatment system for clarifying grey water.

AQUACLEAN | Water treatment system for clarifying grey water.The plant design is developed according to the analysis of the lay out data supplied. Amountof wash water, solids content and components are determined. These data lead to the procedure and the required dimensions of the plant.Generally a pre separation of the solids (aggregates > 0,2mm) by using our FLOTMAT system is highly recommended. This ensures that only fines such as cement, fines < 0,2mm or colour pigments are transported into the water treatment system.

In the AQUACLEAN grey water is clarified and solids are separated from the water. The resulting green water can be returned to production. The settled slurry can be pressed to filtercakes in a ECOPRESS filter press.

The plants can be manufactured with throughput up to 120m³/h . Important additional equipment are: flocculent dosing systems, green water tanks, peristaltic pumps for conveying slurry and neutralisation systems.